
  • Release date : Feb 10 2018 - 14:34
  • View : 1525
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Visit of the French delegation with environmental expertise with the professors of the Faculty of Public Health at the office of the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs

On Monday, November 20, 2017, Dr. Marc Desmet, professor and Director of International Relations at University of Tours in France, accompanied by Jean Christophe Bonte, advisor for research and industrial affairs of the French embassy in Tehran met with Dr. Faizi, the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs and Dr. Islami and Dr. Rafiei, professors and faculty members of School of Public Health at the office of the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs. 

Professor Desmet, is a geoscience professor specializing in urban rivers and the effects of geographic and chemical pollution. Moreover, in this meeting while introducing the capabilities of the universities of the two countries, it was agreed that the scheduling of joint visits from the centers of Iran and France and the signing of the MOU between the two universities was made. Meanwhile, the French delegation expressed interest in conducting a joint project in the field of environmental health, and it was agreed that in future contacts, details of the proposed project would be exchanged between the parties.


  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 54556